My first experience in an Aeroplane

My first experience in an Aeroplane


This is the first photo of me inside an airport. I am the one in the green dress on the right. I was very curious and eagerly kept looking around to find where the plane was!!



We took a quick family selfie.



It was new to me to find the baggages being screened by X-Ray machines.



This is the Indigo aircraft that we were about to fly.



Photo of us entering the plane and looking for our seats.

During the take off, the flight started to move very fast and this scared me. I started to cry. But,after sometime the plane traveled smoothly and I became alright. It was just like going in a car.

The distance between Chennai and Coimbatore is 500 kms and it usually takes 8 hours by car. So, I was shocked when my dad told me that we already reached Coimbatore within 1 hour!



While entering the flight I noticed two celebrities. They are Actor Surya and his brother Actor Karthik. Me and my sister wanted to take a photo with them. We went to them and requested to take a photo. Actor Surya politely said no. He explained that if we take a photo now, then others will start to come for the photos. This will disturb the neighbouring passengers. He said we will take a photo when the flight lands. So, we came back to our seats.

It was an interesting experience ordering food inside the flight. Above the seats, there are buttons which is used to call the air-hostesses. I pressed the button and the air-hostess came to my seat shortly. She asked me what I wanted. I replied I wanted two samosas and my sister ordered cheese sandwich. The samosas were very delicious but they were very expensive. The cost of two samosas was Rs.150. On my return, I ordered Corny Chips which was very tasty.



While traveling from Chennai to Coimbatore, I experienced sun light and loved the clouds below. They were like cotton beds. The next day, I took the night flight back to Chennai. When the flight took off, the lights of Coimbatore city looked like diamonds. This reminded me of Sindbad the Sailor’s adventure in the valley of diamonds.



The houses looked like toy home we play in Trade game and people looked like ants!



This is us getting down from the flight.



After getting down from the flight, we boarded the transit bus which took us to the airport.



We finally waited for our luggages to arrive at the coimbatore airport. We picked up the luggages from the giant carousel. Me and my sister were very tempted to jump on it and take a free ride! 🙂

These were my experience of my first flight.

Comment (83)

  • Dear Kalpi,

    Wonderful post and congrats on becoming a blogger 🙂 Write more, all the very best.

  • Absolutely loved the expression of your experience….with so many photos I almost felt like I was there too!!! Pls post more experiences makes an interesting read

  • Kalpitha,

    I am so proud of you for starting this blog.

    Wish you all the success with this.



  • I was reminded of my first flight I took many years back. Just like you I was curious about everything and kept looking at everything in the airport, the plane, the bus, the inflight magazine, the safety instructions card, the air-hostesses, the food cart, switches, lights, what the other seasoned passengers were doing, I even stared at the carpet on the floor of the plane :D. Good start Kalpitha. I love the fact that you have used so many images to illustrate. I do the same when I have to post something. Keep going. And all the best.

    Sujatha Srihari
  • Hi Kalpitha,

    It’s good that you have enjoyed your first flight. Cheers to your first blog. Let the blogging continue to share your varied experiences. Let my email id be added to your blog receivers so that I shall continue reading your future blogs…


  • Hi, I enjoyed reading your blog. The writeup accompanying the photos were very apt.

  • Thats a lovely photolog Kalpitha…glad u enjoyed ur first flying experience…most ppl are scared to fly…you are a very brave girl!!! Looking fwd to lot many blogs from you 🙂

  • Kalpitha, First of all Congratulations for your Blog. Hereon there could be many more Kalpitha’s however only one and that’s you.

    Loved the Photolog and each moment was accurately expressed in an Innocent manner, We as Adults, try to make things complex but “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication” 🙂

    You started at the best time and best part of Blogging early is not only that you write often, but also that it’s RECORDED for your self use as well as others to read and gain out of it.

    My Son 11 Year old Son Hargun does the same at and there is no limit to his smiles and sense of achievement when he Publishes a write up or a Poem on his Blog.

    Best Wishes for your Blog and Your Life!!

    One more thought…. I travelled to Guwahati from Delhi by Train and the fastest Train Dibrugarh Rajdhani takes 28 hours and by flight it takes just 2Hrs:30 mins.

    Last year it took my 34 Hours by Train to reach Chennai whereas time taken by Flight is 3 Hours. So yeah….. Air Travel is takes less time and when You consider Time is Money.. It actually comes out to be the cheaper option of the 2 🙂

    And yes… I too find Rs 150 for a Samosa Plate very expensive 🙂

  • Hey kalpitha,

    You have so beautifully explained your experience frame by frame… There’s a strange kind of innocence in your writing.. which comes from your simple thinking process… Will wait for more such writings from your end! Keep writing!


  • It was such a pleasure reading your post. I love the way you articulated

  • Awesome..

    sharanya Rajan
  • Nicely written Kalpitha. You seem to have a wonderful photographic memory of everything that transpired during your journey. Keep writing and I am sure you will discover a lot of new things along the way.

  • gud one

  • a very comprehensive coverage of a flight journey from Chennai to Coimbatore interspersed with a sprinkling of anectodes on fellow travellers as well as a cost analysis of the food we get served on an indigo flight … I look forward to your forthcoming insightful blogs …. Happy writing ( blogging)

    Avinash Gopalakrishnan
  • Congratulations on your first flight Kalpitha.. many more to come! 🙂 Loved the simple writeup! Very inspiring for all who take their first flights! All the best..


  • Even i had the same experience when i was a kid like you. As a kid everyone dreams of a aeroplane journey.

    Shivam Rastogi
  • Good blog Kalpitha! Keep it going! 🙂

    George John
  • Excellent work . . .reading this blog will make you to fly virtually from Chennai to Coimbatore

    Vimal Raj
  • Dear Kalpitha,

    nice of you to write about your experience. I remember my first flight in 1975 when I was 6 years old and I thought that the flight would have sleepers just like a train

    however probably you could improve it by getting a sense of wonder in the article, what did you expect and was it different from your expectations. You mentioned the speed of travel.

    Good effort and keep writing



  • Good to read your first experience.. Keep going.. Looking forward your next post..

  • Keep writing kalpitha, One day iam going to you as an author. God bless dear 🙂

    • Keep writing kalpitha, One day iam going to see you as an author. God bless dear 🙂

  • Nicely Written kalpitha!! Will wait for more such writeups !! keep it up!! 🙂

  • Way to go…you wrote it so well and beautifully…keep writing

  • Hi dear , I love your way of sharing the first experience… Good all the best do write more…

  • Very nicely articulated article. The narration of the story with photos makes it feel more lively. Keep up the good work and keep writing! 🙂

    Pankaj Kamani
  • Kalpitha,
    Loved your writing.
    Keep it up.


  • Very good article Kalpitha. Keep writing and sharing. God Bless! -Rajan

  • Very well written – almost took us on the flight to Coimbatore. Did you not get the snaps with Surya and Karthi after landing? Where are those pics? Happy flying and happy blogging too. Well done. Cheers,

    Tram Venkat
  • good one dear.
    keep it up. best with wishes to be a frequent flyer and and good writer like your appa.

    good luck.


  • Well documented, Kalpitha! You have a knack for keeping things simple and descriptive – and that should help you write even better in the days to come.
    To add some data to your experience:
    You flew VT-IAS, part of Indigo’s latest sharklet equipped Airbus A320 airplanes (Series 232 SL, Serial no 6289)
    This airplane is only 6 months old and first flew on 19 September 2014. It was delivered to Indigo 10 days later on 29 September 2014.
    Indigo does not own this airplane! It’s leased from a Chinese company called BOC Aviation.

    Keep writing, keep shining!

  • Hi kalpitha,

    Cool one… vivid descriptions… keep up the good work.

  • Kalpitha, really good article to start with, and i am very impressed with you narration. Keep writting!

  • Congrats on your blog kalpitha!
    I really liked your post about first flight experience.
    Hope to read more from you.
    All the best.

  • Hi Kalpitha,

    Congrats on starting your first blog at a very young age. I started mine when i was in the 3rd year of college. I read your post just now and i must say, you write really well. If you had a chance to look at the first blog post i wrote few years ago, you’d laugh till your stomach hurts.

    Travel more, click more beautiful pictures and keep writing.
    Also, go give a hug to your dad. He’s amazing 🙂

  • Very well written..Hope to see you write one international trip too

  • Thanks for sharing your adventures with the world
    I like your poetic expressions
    Keep going (flying)
    Y our dream works
    Many greetings to you and your fantastic family from Dreamicon Valley

  • Amazing post Kalpitha!

    Don’t worry, one day you’ll be a celebrity and people will queue up to take photos with you!

  • Congratulations kalpitha.

    Jus loved the way u’ve narrated the whole experience.great work.keep writing.

    charan tej
  • Hi Kalpitha
    Keep it up! The expression of thoughts in sequence and good form of visual expression are so essential for a well written blog !
    You took us through a virtual flight journey and also highlighting the sights and your personal experience .

    Kalpitha- I wish you all the very best in your book writing projects and continue personal expressions via your blog !

    May God bless her creative skills !


  • great job really proud of you. Hoping to see many more photologs from you.

  • Way to go dear. Cutely described. Proud daughter of an equally proud father.

    Srividhya Srinivasan
  • Congratulations Kalpitha,

    Very nice to read it. I am bit curious to know whether you took with photo with the celebrities after landing ?

  • Dear Kalpitha,
    You are doing an awesome job.. This is an excellent account of your experience during your first flight. Keep writing dear & who knows, you may better your dad soon.

  • Lovely writing…keep up the good work ma… this is just the begining of something amazing ahead 🙂 God Bless

    sam jim
  • Hi Kalpitha,

    I like your blog. Nicely done.

    In september please come with your parents and sister to Mysore and write another blog after you visit this historic city.


  • Dear Kalpitha

    Congratulations on your first Blog. Very Well Written. keep up the Good Work.


  • Great start, blog was very good. Share ur thoughts. All the very best 🙂

  • Did u finally manage to take a photo with Surya and Karthik?

  • Loved reading your stuff … Keep it up

    Ian McKee
  • great work

  • Hi kalpitha

    Very nice post. Interesting told through great quality ur style of writing. Simple direct and tells it beautifully. All the best. Great dad. Great kids

  • Hi kalpitha,

    Very nice article and I am also getting interested to write of my own after reading this(same experience almost on Goindigo flight from chennai to bangalore 🙂 except you met celebrities and our flight is connecting one so no much passengers only around 15). Let me introduce my self, I’m Varsshini of 8th Std. I got more information about you through my Dad who is friend to your father. I heard that you wrote some books and I’m interested reading all of that. Please send me one set of copy and also the accounts detail to transfer money. I took my father permission already and he happy approved my request. Keep writing more and keep send me a copy. Thanks and all the best.

  • Nicely presented. My first flight experince was almost like yours. Full excitement…. God bless.

  • Kalpitha you have very well expressed in your own way what you felt during the trip. Even the longest journey begins with a single step so you have done that . Congratulations!!!
    Keep going

    All the best

  • Nicely articulate. Congrats for your first blog. Keep writing. God bless you.

  • Hi Kalpitha,

    It is a nice write up , I live in ghana & did hundreds of flights now , but your narration of experiences reminded my first experience on a flight in 2003.

    Be thankful to your daddy and feel yourself really lucky to do a first flight while you are so young which we did not have such experience when we are at your age.

    Please do write, study well and aspire big & my wishes for all your upcoming endeavours.

    Please do write up on your farming experiences in your dads farm.


    Accra, Ghana
    West africa.

    Please do contact in case you want to know about ghana

  • Dear Kalpitha,

    It is a great effort.. and congrats for your own first blog. Super like for you narration, you created a real image of experience by walking through your emotion and happenings with Picture…Looking forward for many more blog postings from you.


  • Extremely well written, Kalpitha! Your first flight experience has been described systematically and so vividly that it almost makes me feel as though I were by your side on this flight. Do write often. I love your simple and flowing style. Tells me that you are a fun loving girl! God bless.

    Ganga Amritesh
  • Hello from Canada!

    I remember the first flight I took with my family – we did not have blogs back then, but my memories concur similarly with yours. May you have many more happy flights ahead.

  • Hi Kalpitha,
    Lovely start to photo blogging. Keep doing it.
    It’s very easy to do it once & leave it. Don’t stop it here.
    All the best.

    Vishnu Raj
  • Awesome post kalpi!! Good luck for ur blog. Looking forward to your posts. Love,
    Anitha Aunty

  • அழகாய் அருமையான விவரிப்பு .. வாழ்த்துக்கள் .. தொடர்ந்து எழுதவும்

  • very well written post and the pictures make it much better. This would be very useful for others who are flying for the first time. That’s what makes this post interesting, not only is it interesting to read but also informative. Try to make that a theme of your writing. Interesting & informative. Well done little one – good luck

  • Hello kalpana

    You seem to have had fun! Good to see you write . Keep writing

  • Good naration

  • Kalpitha, I enjoyed living vicariously through your flight adventure! Best wishes!

  • well written Kalpitha. Loved the similies…sindbads valley of diamonds, trade game

    Manju SN
  • Very good blog post. Really enjoyed reading about your wonderful experience and seeing your awesome photos.

  • Dear kalpitha
    It was lovely to read your blog post and live through the experience with you. The flight and the blog are possibly the beginning of many wonderful firsts in your life. I hope you will cherish each of those just as fully. I was also reminded of my own first flight a long time ago at 11 which was great. So thank you

    Sunita singh
  • Kalpitha,

    BIG Congratulations on your Blog.

    Now, you have set the expectations high and we will be expecting more from you in the near future..

    Keep up the good work…

  • Hi Kalpitha

    It is absolutely amazing to see you blog 🙂 I am wondering why I never did that..Perhaps I should also start blogging!! Keep them coming..I would love to read your blog..

    And Yes..Samosas for 150 Rs!!! That’s very very expensive 🙂

  • Well written and expressed !

  • Hi Kalpitha,

    Congrats!! Good writing.. keep it up.


  • Dear Kalpitha,

    It was a wonderful portrayal of a first time experience. We all lived and experienced the journey with you.

    Next time I take a night flight, I’m gonna remember The Valley of Diamonds from Sindbad the Sailor.

    Do keep blogging and capture moments.

    Good luck dear.

  • Dear kalpi

    Hi, your post made me to feel the aeroplane journey. And it’s like a movie. I am eagerly waiting to know the balance story. In airport have you take a photograph with actor surya or not. What happen?

  • Great going Kalpitha… Expecting more

  • Dear Kalpitha thank you for sharing this wonderful first experience of flying. Writing is a very special gift and you have this gift. It is not just about the writing but about your willingness to share your feelings, your hopes and fears and this is what you are doing. You are at an age when there will be many ‘ firsts’ and your writing about them will be fresh and exciting. Thank you for bringing us into your world. With writing we can help to make the world a place of love and fun and peace. I wish you huge success in all that writing will unfold for you. With my love Sue Knight

  • What a wonderful record of your first flying experience!!! One day you’ll be a globe trotter and this blog will remind you how to appreciate the various pleasures of life. God bless!!

  • this post was excellent and simple to read … hoping to see more colors from yourside….. continue the good work,….

    And i am sure one day you will be happy and smiling when you read this post again… 🙂

    And what happened after that… did you try to take pictures with Surya and Karthik after landing … 😉

  • Nice post and congrats on becoming a blogger 🙂 Write more, all the very best.

  • Good job! Do write more n click more. All the best!

  • Congratulations…. Taking after your dad! And with his guidance am sure you will go ahead confidently. Keep at it.

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